News & Knowledge


Susanne Leones Artikel "Neue europäische Rahmenverordnung für ausländische Direktinvestitionen trat am 10. April 2019 in Kraft" wurde im Juni 2019 in der vierteljährlichen Veröffentlichung der Florida Bar International Law Section ("ILQ") veröffentlicht


This short article explains the new regulation and its effects. The European Union (“EU”) has one of the world's most open investment rules and is one of the main destinations for foreign direct investment (“FDI”) in the world. FDIs are substantial for innovation, growth and jobs in the EU. But takeovers of EU companies by non-EU investors in the past years and their cross-border effects raised concerns and led to this new legislation. This regulation is fundamental because it is the first time the screening of FDI is regulated at European Union level while major trading partners of the EU have already established such frameworks.

  • Investitionen
  • Verträge
  • Globale Vermögens - und Nachlassplanung
  • Einwanderung
  • Steuer
  • Immobilien
  • Gesellschaftsrecht
  • Deutsches Recht
  • Andere
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