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Susanne Leone als "Emerging Lawyer of the Year 2018" (Gesellschafts - und Steuerrecht) geehrt. Leone Zhgun präsentiert „U.S. immigration law update” “auf der 7. Internationalen Jahreskonferenz mit dem Titel „69th Constitution Day “am 26. November 2018 im Shangri-La, Eros Hotel, Neu-Delhi, Indien.
A key initiative of the Asia Committee of the Florida Bar International Law Section in 2018 was collaborating with the Indian National Bar Association’s (INBA) on their 7th Annual International Conference titled “69th Constitution Day” on November 26, 2018 at the Shangri La’s Eros Hotel, New Delhi. The joint conference brought together legal and business professionals from various parts of India, Europe and the United States for an open dialogue on various topics impacting law, business and investments in India.
Susanne Leone, the Chair of the Asia Committee, presented the following topic at the conference: “Immigration Law Update - Gateways into North America.” She was also honored by the INBA with an award for “Emerging Lawyer of the Year 2018 (corporate and tax).”
The conference was a great success and exposure for Leone Zhgun into India and the Asian market. The conference itself was mentioned in India’s second most widely read national English newspaper, the Hindustan Times. The morning after the conference, a photo appeared in the Hindustan Times with Susanne Leone honoring the legal team of HT Media Limited with an INBA Award for “Legal Team of the Year 2018.”
A significant achievement during the conference was the signing of a Bar Cooperation Agreement between the Florida Bar International Law Section by Susanne Leone on behalf of the Florida Bar International Law Section and the Indian National Bar Association as a symbol of collaboration and a mutual desire to strengthen the relationship between Florida and India. The Agreement was signed in English and Hindi.